A blog author Blackthorn Witch of the Black Gothic Garden. Galaxy petunias on goth style hair.

Welcome to my blog! I am a dedicated collector of rare house plants and of black garden flowers, with a deep love for all things botanical.

My journey began with my black gothic garden, a unique project I nurtured and perfected over four years. Black flowers and foliage taught me a lot about plant care, such as pH and pigments. I also started a project of growing black varieties of Colocasia esculenta, but due to the fluctuating weather of Finland, I had to bring my Colocasias indoors for the start of my country’s cold summer that threatened to set the plantlings into dormant. Learning about Colocasias led to learning more about Alocasias – especially after I had managed to kill quite a few of them in the past! Seeking information led me to finding more and more beautiful plants, and I noticed myself being absolutely in love with pink-variegated leaves. It didn’t take too long until I became a collector, dedicating my time for nurturing my plants and learning how to take care of them – and of course, finding the best places to buy more specimens to my collection!

About Black Vortex Plants

I own a small business that specializes in importing rare plants from across the globe. Black Vortex Plants was founded to solve a problem I had faced myself: finding the rarest plants inside EU was a pain, and importing was filled with bureaucracy that seemed impossible for a single customer to handle! I decided to become the solution to my own problem, and Black Vortex Plants was born.

 I collaborate with trustworthy sellers from regions like Thailand and the Netherlands to bring exotic and hard-to-find plants to fellow collectors. My business isn’t just about selling plants; it’s about sharing the joy and beauty of rare botanical treasures. I handle everything from import processes and plant health inspections to customs dealings and all necessary paperwork, ensuring a smooth experience for my customers.

My values

 When orchestrating special orders, I accept only a limited number of clients at a time to ensure I can provide personal, attentive service to each one. This allows me to understand and meet your unique needs better.
Being a small business, I treat each plant like my own before it leaves my home. Every plant is selected and cared for with the utmost attention, ensuring you receive a healthy and thriving addition to your collection.